
Welcome to FoCCaL

We are the “Friends of Clifton Centre and Library”. We aim to keep the library as a thriving centre for the whole community. At the moment our website is undergoing significant change so that it is easier to use and more accessible which means you can clearly see the range of events we have on offer.

Upcoming Events:

Clifton Village LitFest

November 15th – 17th programme available in the library 25th September

The Friends of Clifton Centre and Library (FoCCaL) exist to promote the library as a place where local people can come together to enjoy themselves, meet new people, and learn.

We are a voluntary group of local residents and we welcome anyone who would like to get involved. We host a variety of events and support other groups who run not for profit events or courses for the community. If you would like to help or have any suggestions, please get in touch. We are delighted to have been awarded funding by the council’s Libraries Innovation Fund to install audio visual equipment in the library. This is proving to be a great asset for the library and means we can provide high quality illustrated talks and by public demand we have been able to re-start the popular film nights. For updates check our notice board, website and outside the library and sign up to our mailing list.

Every visit counts towards the council’s assessment figures. So please visit often and attend our regular events. And don’t forget all the great library facilities. It’s not just book loans! There’s free WiFi, free computer and internet use. Also free ordering of any book, DVD, CD or Audiobooks, from 150 libraries in the Southwest for pick-up in Clifton Library, with email notification when the item arrives.

As well as making good use of the library, you can also help by volunteering. And don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter (below) to hear about the latest FoCCaL news and events, and follow us on Facebook.

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