CANCELLED: How To Get Bristol Walking and Cycling (Clifton Climate Action)

Clifton Library 13 Princess Victoria St, Bristol, Clifton, United Kingdom

Most journeys are less than 2 km and we could walk or cycle them - but we don’t. What are the obstacles and how do we get aound them? Tom Swithinbank from Bristol’s Cycling Campaign and Alan Morris from Bristol Walking Alliance will be giving us some thoughts on how other cities have tackled this, […]

CANCELLED: How Bad Are Our Emissions From Shipping? (Clifton Climate Action)

Clifton Library 13 Princess Victoria St, Bristol, Clifton, United Kingdom

Shipping emissions, like international aviation, are not included in any country's greenhouse gas bill - and they have been growing fast. 2020 will be a year of significant change as new fuel regulations come in but will this be enough? What is the industry's carbon goal and how do they intend to achieve it? Do we all simply need […]

CANCELLED: Creative Writing: Workshops to Spark your Imagination

Clifton Library 13 Princess Victoria St, Bristol, Clifton, United Kingdom

Clare Reddaway is delighted to bring a series of four writing workshops to Clifton Library, after a successful workshop at the inaugural Clifton Literary Festival. This will be a supportive group with stimulating writing exercises and helpful feedback in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Suitable for writers at all levels, beginners and more experienced writers. We […]


CANCELLED: Bristol Mayoral Climate Hustings (Clifton Climate Action)

Clifton Library 13 Princess Victoria St, Bristol, Clifton, United Kingdom

Since the last election for Mayor of Bristol four years ago, there has been an earthquake in the political landscape. Public awareness of the climate and ecological crisis has soared, and in November 2018, Bristol City Council became the first UK council to declare a climate emergency. The Council has set a target for Bristol […]

CANCELLED: Creative Writing: Workshops to Spark your Imagination

Clifton Library 13 Princess Victoria St, Bristol, Clifton, United Kingdom

Clare Reddaway is delighted to bring a series of four writing workshops to Clifton Library, after a successful workshop at the inaugural Clifton Literary Festival. This will be a supportive group with stimulating writing exercises and helpful feedback in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Suitable for writers at all levels, beginners and more experienced writers. We […]


CANCELLED: Bristol’s Local Trains and Buses – What are the Plans? (Clifton Climate Action)

Clifton Library 13 Princess Victoria St, Bristol, Clifton, United Kingdom

Bristol has a good network of train lines. What are the plans for expanding this alternative to road travel, and how far have we got? What's happening to the Portishead line? Can our stations be turned into 'hubs' that connect with bus routes? Tina Biggs, Campaigns Lead of Friends of Suburban Bristol Railways, will be […]