The Friends of Clifton Centre and Library (FoCCaL) exist to promote the library as a place where local people can come together to enjoy themselves, meet new people, and learn
About FoCCal
We are a voluntary group of local residents, and we welcome anyone who would like to get involved. We host a variety of events and support other groups who run not for profit events or courses for the community. If you would like to help or have any suggestions, please get in touch. We are delighted to have been awarded funding by the council’s Libraries Innovation Fund to install audiovisual equipment in the library. This is proving to be a great asset for the library and means we can provide high quality illustrated talks and by public demand we have been able to re-start the popular film nights. For updates check our notice board, website and outside the library and sign up to our mailing list.
The Friends of Clifton Library and Centre is an unincorporated organisation with constitution and elected volunteer committee. We hold regular meetings in the library.
Every visit counts towards the council’s assessment figures. So please visit often and attend our regular events. And don’t forget all the great library facilities. It’s not just book loans! There’s free WiFi, free computer and internet use. Also free ordering of any book, DVD, CD or Audiobooks, from 150 libraries in the Southwest for pick-up in Clifton Library, with email notification when the item arrives.
As well as making good use of the library, you can also help by volunteering. And don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter (below) to hear about the latest FoCCaL news and events, and follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
In 2015, Bristol City Council proposed cuts to library services, but widespread protests limited the changes. Instead of closures, library hours were reduced.
But the growing threat was clear and so FoCCaL was formed, and started to build a programme of activities and events and to try to develop an income stream to prepare for the future.
In June 2017, the council announced plans to close many libraries in Bristol, including Clifton Library, in an effort to make budget cuts of £100 million.
But the community fought back. Over 80 people in Clifton submitted their views to the council during its consultation period – the most of any area of Bristol – and a petition to save the library got over 4,800 signatures – enough to force a debate in full council.
Supporters of local libraries across Bristol also fought for their libraries, with the result that the council found extra money to maintain the libraries until the next mayoral election in 2020.
The Bristol Library Strategy for 2020-2024 has now been published. You can read it here:
Our current committee
  • Marian Tucker (Chair)
  • Stella Harding (Chair)
  • Gareth Hoskins (Treasurer)
  • Rosalind Olsen (Secretary)
  • Paula O’Rourke
  • David Parker
  • Anthea Bruges
  • Amanda Webb
  • Peter Hardie
  • Rosemary Ballingall
  • Beri Hare
  • Alan Purkis
  • Paul Roberts
  • Alice Clark
  • Helen Gilks
  • Helen Taylor
  • Bob Walton
© 2025 Friends of Clifton Centre and Library
Clifton Library, 13 Princess Victoria St, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4BX
Website ©Jonathan Hyams    Hosting Artlook Software
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