Clifton Village LitFest
Emma Pusill and Janet Wilkinson
Sun 17th Nov 2024 10.00am Clifton Library

After hours spent sharing their admittedly niche body of knowledge with each other, they realised that if they wanted to help the last remaining publicly accessible lidos to thrive and survive, they needed to help others find them, swim in them and love them. And finding and using them is not always as easy as you might imagine! They invite the lido lovers and the lido-curious alike to join them, for tales of mis-timed lido picnics eaten in car parks and much more.
Janet Wilkinson has spent twenty years swimming her way around the UK and Channel Islands, reigniting the love for lidos that was born in her 9-year-old self during a holiday in Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire. She has now swum in every single one of the pools featured in The Lido Guide and is a happy regular at Bristol Lido.
Emma Pusill moved to Portishead on the strength of a great day out at the open-air pool there. She soon began volunteering (it is a community-run pool) and has done a variety of volunteer jobs at the pool. She is currently Chair of the Board of Trustees. She met Janet on Twitter/X where there is a thriving lido community.
Tickets are £12 and available via Eventbrite using the link below or in person at the library during opening hours – cash only. Tickets will also be available outside library opening hours, in the library, on a Wednesday morning 10.30 – 12.30 where card payments will also be accepted.

Emma Pusill and Janet Wilkinson  The Lido Guide: Find it, swim it, love it

17th November 10.00am until 11.00am - (60 mins)

© 2024 Friends of Clifton Centre and Library
Clifton Library, 13 Princess Victoria St, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4BX
Website by Jonathan Hyams / Artlook Software
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