It is also a timely reminder of the issues our politicians, planners and developers face today. And there is probably no-one better qualified than Paul to write this book. He grew up in Hartcliffe, went to the local schools, and later represented the area as a forthright, popular Bristol City Councillor for many years, eventually becoming Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities from 2016-2020. Having worked for the National Housing Federation, he now – as CEO of Elim Housing – heads up a charitable organisation providing social housing in Bristol and Gloucestershire. In talking about his book, with its research into archived official documents, contemporary newspapers and interviews with early residents of Hartcliffe, Paul will almost certainly go on to discuss how, in today’s constrained public finances, we can address the necessity of matching affordable and social housing with community provision.
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Paul Smith Hartcliffe Betrayed
16th November 12.00pm until 1.00pm - (60 mins)